Light house and Morse code

Light house:
A tower containing beacon light to warn the ships at sea.

Transmits signal that other devices can see.

Before light house how people used to get indication?
Fires built on hilltops.
Placing a fire became a practice that led to development of light house.

What is the most famous light house structure?
Pharos of Alexandria, Egypt it is collapsed during earth quake centuries later.

Pharos of Alexandria:
120 to 137 m tall.
Tallest man-made structure of world.

Components of Light house:
Comprises of light house tower and all out buildings, such as keeper's living quarters and fog signaling building.

Fog building:
Uses sound to warn a vehicle.

Who invented Morse code?
1838 F. B. Morse, Henry, Vail.

Why they invented Morse code?
Send messages over long distance by using pulses of electricity to signal a machine to make marks on a moving paper tape.

How do you send a Morse code message?
While sending a message, you pause for three dots between each letter for seven dots of each word.

How to write Morse code?
Dots and dashes.

What is space in Morse code?
/ or |.

Short sound.

Long sound.

How can Morse code transmitted?
Not possible to transmit voice at a time dots and dashes are transmitted in series of short and long tones.

Uses of Morse code:
Navy People.

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